Investor Relations


ESG Report 2023 pdf ( 11.6 MB )
ESG Report 2022 pdf ( 31.5 MB )
ESG Report 2021 pdf ( 4.6 MB )

Corporate Governance

Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure
Articles of Association pdf ( 0.8 MB )
Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board pdf ( 0.2 MB )

Declarations of compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code
Declaration of Compliance 2024 pdf ( 0.1 MB )
Supplement Declaration of Compliance 2023 pdf ( 0.3 MB )
Declaration of Compliance 2022 pdf ( 0.4 MB )
Declaration of Compliance 2021 pdf ( 0.1 MB )

Corporate Governance Statements
Corporate Governance Statement 2023 pdf ( 0.2 MB )
Corporate Governance Statement 2022 pdf ( 0.1 MB )
Corporate Governance Statement 2021 pdf ( 0.1 MB )

Remuneration Reports
Remuneration Report 2023 (in German) pdf ( 1.0 MB )
Remuneration Report 2022 (in German) pdf ( 0.3 MB )
Remuneration Report 2021 (in German) pdf ( 1.0 MB )

Remuneration Systems
Remuneration system of the Management Board members 2023, resolved by the Annual General Meeting on June 7, 2023 pdf ( 0.7 MB )
Remuneration system of the Supervisory Board members, resolved by the Annual General Meeting on June 09, 2022 pdf ( 0.5 MB )
Remuneration system of the Management Board members 2021, resolved by the Annual General Meeting on June 24, 2021 pdf ( 0.2 MB )
Remuneration system of the Supervisory Board members, resolved by the Annual General Meeting on June 24, 2021 pdf ( 0.1 MB )


Compliance at AUTO1 Group

AUTO1 Group is committed to conducting business fairly, honestly, and with integrity, recognizing that its success is based not only on economic factors, but also on upholding our internal standards and the law. Indeed, we see this as a decisive factor in the sustainable success of our company and have set up the necessary compliance and governance measures to ensure that we live up to these principles on a daily basis.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct sets out the fundamental behavioral rules as envisioned by top management. These rules cover both the legal requirements imposed on AUTO1, as well as our internal values and ethical standards, to which we are committed independently. It applies without exception to all AUTO1 employees and business partners.

Code of Conduct pdf ( 0.1 MB )

Anti-Corruption & Bribery

Our Code of Conduct states that we do not accept corruption nor bribery in our business practices. This standard is developed in our Anti-Corruption & Bribery policy which reflects both our values as well as all applicable laws and internationally recognised principles against corruption and bribery.

Anti-Corruption & Bribery Policy pdf ( 0.1 MB )

Human Rights

Maintaining our high standards of governance and business conduct is the basis for our sustainable economic success and growth. We are committed to respecting and upholding human rights and protecting the environment. This principle is underlined in our Policy on Human Rights & Working Conditions, which lays out our principles and the requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).

Human Rights & Working Conditions Policy pdf ( 0.1 MB )

Whistleblowing System

Enabling whistleblowing and protecting reporting persons from retaliation is central to ensuring compliance as it allows us to detect and respond to any (potential) breaches.

To this end, we have made reporting channels available to all employees and external parties which guarantee the possibility to report (potential) breaches without fearing retaliation, reflecting the section on “Whistleblowing Management” as found in our Code of Conduct.  Our commitment is that all reports shall be adequately investigated, treated with the utmost confidentiality, and handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Should you wish to report (potential) breaches of the law, human rights or environmental risks or infractions in our supply chain, our Code of Conduct, and our policies, the following reporting channels are at your disposal:

Whistleblowing Channel

The channel, which is administered by our compliance team, is a safe and confidential way to report any (potential) breach.

External Ombudsperson

AUTO1 has appointed an external ombudsperson who, as a trusted attorney, receives information about (potential) violations. Your contact details are:                

Dr. Margarete Gräfin von Galen
-Criminal Law Attorney-
Galen Rechtsanwälte
Mommsenstraße 45
10629 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0) 30 310 182 0
Fax: +49 30 3101820

In Person / Via Mail
Should you want to report a breach in person, you can do this by contacting our compliance team or by scheduling a meeting with the ombudsperson. You can also contact the ombudsperson (address above) or our compliance team via mail at:

                 Compliance Team
                 AUTO1 Group SE
                 Bergmannstraße 72
                 10961 Berlin

Reporting Procedure:

Reporting: Upon receipt of a report, it will be confirmed within 7 days.

Preliminary investigation: A preliminary investigation is launched by the Compliance department. If there is sufficient evidence of a (potential) breach, the Compliance Committee is convened to initiate the primary investigation.

Primary investigation: In the primary investigation, the preliminary results are evaluated and a decision is made on the progress of the investigation. The reporting person receives a follow-up on this basis within three months of receiving the report as part of the primary investigation.

Decision: Necessary measures are decided at operational level by the Compliance Committee.

Investigation report: The facts of the case, investigative steps followed, and measures taken are documented in the investigation report.

Audit Committee: The Compliance Committee reports the result to the Audit Committee of the supervisory board and subsequently informs the reporting person.